

A latte is a type of coffee made with espresso and hot steamed milk, finished with foam on top.


  1. 2 espresso shots (2 ounces)
  2. 1/2 cup of preffered milk choice
  3. sweetner of choice


  1. Make two shots espresso and add your sweetner
  2. Place the milk in a pitcher. Hold the steaming wand just below the surface of the milk until it doubles in size. This makes foamy froth.
  3. Then, move the steaming wand lower and near the side of the pitcher to create a spiral vortex. This makes the silky smooth microfoam bubbles and wet-paint texture thatโ€™s characteristic of a latte. Steam until the milk reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit (use a thermometer or judge by when your hand canโ€™t hold the pitcher for more than a few seconds).
  4. Tap the milk container on counter and swirl it to break down any large bubbles. Pour milk into center of the espresso, ending with light foam.
  5. Serve and enjoy!
